+39 331 8324 073 infodepookan@gmail.com
  • "A flame kindles other flames"

  • "Each of performances takes us to
    the deepest and most ancient part of our soul"

  • "Music is the strongest form of magic"


What We Are

Un mondo ancestrale e magico.

I DePookan si sono sempre contraddistinti per portare in scena performance estremamente evocative e particolari; prendono spunto dalla tradizione Celtica per esplorare il connubio tra la Worldmusic e l'elettronica, creando un sound ecclettico e non collocabile. La voce e gli strumenti operano una sorta di rito ipnotico che  trascina l'ascoltatore in un mondo ancestrale e magico.

Susy Berni


a Magical World

Welcome to the ancestral world of DePookan.

Our group is known for highly evocative and unique performances, drawing inspiration from Celtic tradition.
We explore the fusion of Worldmusic and electronica, creating an eclectic and unclassifiable sound.
Our voices and instruments weave a hypnotic ritual that transports listeners to an ancient and enchanted realm.
Discover the allure of DePookan, immerse yourself in our music, and let yourself be carried away on a unique journey.


Latest Album

Blood Red Shoes


Blood Red Shoes

Released: 2024
Label: Radici Music Records
Format: Digital Download, CD
Certifications: RIAA: Gold

  1. Blood Red Shoes (anteprima) DePookan 0:50

Contact for Booking

For reservations and press requests, contact my manager by filling out the form or sending an email to: infodepookan@gmail.com